As a strategic area in Integral Consulting, Human Resources needs to be at the forefront, as it has the valuable responsibility of attracting, developing and strengthening the talent that will take the organization to the next level.
We have support plans so that you can implement and/or update those key processes that will positively impact productivity and business results.
Selection and retention strategies
Having a stable work team helps companies to face long-term projects with greater guarantees of success.
Implementation of performance evaluation
Delve into performance evaluation and learn how to stimulate the potential of your employees, improve their productivity and find the leaders of tomorrow.
On Boarding Implementation
The new employee will be able to perform effective work as soon as possible, which will generate benefits much sooner than if he or she does not have such an integration plan.
Succession plan implementation
Transcendence and continuity are directly related to a successful succession process.
Implementation of competency model
Performance, productivity and results increase when people are managed by competencies.
Implementation of NOM-035
Application of reference guides and delivery of results with recommendations in compliance with NOM-035 and more.
A survey by the Work Institute showed that companies must spend up to 33% of a departing employee's annual salary to find a suitable replacement.